“It’s a privilege to be able to bear witness to someones’ story, when they may not have had the chance to tell it before.”
- Lindy Alexander
Individual Psychotherapy is an excellent option for treating a range of issues related to mental health and other stressors. Individual therapy involves meeting one-on-one to work collaboratively with you to address your concerns. Individual therapy asks you to take a more active role in your treatment.
This form of therapy is different from individual therapy, not only in terms of who participates, but also in the way that issues are resolved. In family therapy I will look at the family as an entire system rather than attributing problems to one specific person.
Issues are typically discussed in Family Therapy are:
Behavioral issues in children
Substance Abuse
Grief and loss
Adjustment to life transitions
Mental health concerns (depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, personality disorders)
Military issues (coping with deployment, changes in parenting roles, recognizing and coping with PTSD, relocation)
The overall goal of Couples Therapy is the build and strengthen the connection between you and your partner, which often includes resolving issues from the past, creating better and more effective means of communicating, and learning to better manage and resolve conflict. Couples therapy can also be helpful in clarifying feelings about your relationship with your partner in a constructive way. This form of therapy is not just for those who are married. Couples counseling can be useful for anyone who considers themselves to be in a committed relationship, whether you and your significant other are dating, married, in a domestic partnership, or even separated. You will gain insight into what each of you bring individually to the couple dynamic, while also learning new ways of communicating, managing conflict, and ultimately building a deeper connection.
This service is available on an as needed basis. It allows us to continue therapy when face to face in office sessions are not accessible. These live video therapy sessions- within the State of Idaho, allows us to work together in a secure HIPPA complaint setting- Simple Practice.